

This article outlines a basic way of syncing with IUS. That said, you aren’t required to use these scripts or processes if you wish to write your own. Here are the basic guidelines for syncing.

Configuring Rsync

The IUS Upstream Repository can be mirrored via rsync. The following is a preferred method as it allows mirrors to remain in sync hourly, but only pulling updates if there has been changes. Copy the following script somewhere, and make it executable.



# check to make sure we aren't already running
RES=$(ps -ef | grep "ius-sync" | wc -l)
if [ $RES -gt 2 ]; then
    echo "IUS sync already running...."

TMP=$(mktemp -d)
SYNC_CMD="rsync -aH --exclude-from=/etc/rsync/exclude.ius.txt --numeric-ids --delete --delete-after --delay-updates ${UPSTREAM_URI}/* ${LOCAL_DIR}"

mkdir -p ${LOCAL_DIR}

# check with current file, if it diffs then we sync
MY_CURRENT=$(cat ${LOCAL_DIR}/CURRENT 2>/dev/null || echo "")

if [ "x${CURRENT}" != "x${MY_CURRENT}" ]; then
    echo "Local IUS repository is out of sync with CURRENT"
    if [ "x$1" = "x--randomize" ]; then
        let SEC=$(($RANDOM%3000+1))
        echo "Sleeping ${SEC} seconds to randomize sync time..."
        sleep $SEC
    echo "Local IUS repository is in sync with CURRENT"

The Initial Sync

It is a good idea to run the initial sync manually so that the hourly cronjob doesn’t try to run while we are syncing (though the script protects against it). Plus, it allows you to detect any issues that might come up:


Setting Up Cron

To ensure not all downstream mirrors attempt to sync at the same time we randomize a sleep interval in the script, so be sure to add the ‘–randomize’ flag to sync-ius.sh in your cron.


1 * * * * root /usr/local/bin/ius-sync --randomize &> /dev/null

Custom IUS Red Hat Satellite/Spacewalk channel

We have heard some people using a custom IUS channel within Red Hat Satellite or Spacewalk instead of using a repository. The IUS team are not experts in these applications recommend using Red Hat Satellite or Spacewalk documentation.

Become an Official IUS Public Mirror

Send an email to coredev@iuscommunity.org with the following information and we will get you added to our Umirr instance.

contact name:
contact email:
domain name:
content path (i.e. /pub/ius):
public protocols supported (http, https, ftp, rsync):